ARTAIM CONSEIL is a consulting company for the development of agricultural biogas plants in the GrDF network. These units are fed by intermediate crops. The design office is located in the Aube, bordering the Seine-et-Marne, which allows us, among other things, a significant dynamic of action in these grain regions.
von Lehmden Planungsbüro GmbH
“von Lehmden Planungsbüro GmbH” is a planning agency which is active in the food industry as well as the renewable energy and agricultural sector. Permit applications according to the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) and building law, planning services, fire prevention and incident concepts and a lot more belong to the service spectrum of the experienced team.

EnviTec Greten Behälterbau

Expert in tank construction
2G Energietechnik GmbH
2G Energy AG is an internationally leading manufacturer of combined and heat and power plants (CHP) for the decentralised provision of power and heat on the basis of gas motors driven by natural gas, biomethane, biogas, sewage gas, landfill gas or hydrogen.

Malmberg Bioerdgastech GmbH

The Malmberg group is a family-owned cleantech company based in Sweden and delivers solutions in the fields of water treatment, biogas, geothermal energy and drilling.
Evonik Industries
Evonik Industries is the technology leader for membrane-based gas separation.

American Biogas Council (USA)

ABC is the first anaerobic digestion (AD) industry association in the United States that represents a full range of anaerobic digestion technologies and projects, including farm-based digesters, centralized facilities processing a variety of municipal and industrial organic waste streams, and existing digesters at municipal wastewater treatment plants.
Biogasrat Germany - Your partner for future energy policy
Biogasrat e.V. is the association of leading market players in the biogas economy in Germany. Its members represent the entire value chain of the biogas sector. Among its members are agricultural energy producers, plant constructors, component suppliers, financing experts, project developers, energy supply companies, disposal managers as well as trading companies.

Consorzio Italiano Bio-Gas

The Consorzio Italiano Bio-Gas is the first association in Italy that brings together companies from the biogas and renewable energy sector.
CZ Biom - Czech Biomass Association
Association for the Czech biomass industry

DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschaftsgesellschaft)

The DLG (German Agricultural Society) has over 25,000 members and is a leading organisation in the agricultural and food sectors.
Oldenburger Energiecluster OLEC
Oldenburger Energiecluster OLEC e.V. is the leading cross-technology energy network in the North-West region of Germany, and brings together a wide range of expertise with over 55 members from science, industry, research, education and administration.

R E A - the voice of the renewables industry in the UK

The Renewable Energy Association represents the UK's renewable energy industry, covering all renewable power heat and fuels.
RNG Coalition (USA)
The Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas (RNG Coalition) is the trade association for the Renewable Natural Gas industry in North America. The RNG Coalition advocates for increased development, deployment and utilization of renewable natural gas so that present and future generations will have access to this domestic, renewable, clean fuel and energy supply.

Scottish Renewables – the forum for Scotland's Renewable Energy

Scottish Renewables has presented a united voice for the renewable energy industry in Scotland since 1996. It is a forum of key players with interests including biomass, hydro, micro, marine and wind technologies. The members share a common interest in the development of renewables in Scotland.