EnviTec Biogas AG: Proposal for dividend based on positive business result 2022 and forecast for fiscal year 2023


Lohne, May 12, 2023 - Based on the positive results of the fiscal year 2022, the Supervisory Board of EnviTec Biogas AG (ISIN: DE000A0MVLS8) today decided, in line with the proposal of the Management Board, to propose to the Annual General Meeting on July 3, 2023 to distribute a dividend of € 2.00 per share for the fiscal year 2022.

After consultation with the Supervisory Board, the Management Board of EnviTec Biogas AG today also approved the forecast for the current fiscal year 2023. Due to the continued positive business development in all business segments as well as positive non-recurring effects in the Energy segment, earnings before taxes (EBT) are expected to be between € 85 and € 105 million at Group level. This forecast is based on expected total output (or revenue) in a range of € 400 to € 450 million for the 2023 fiscal year.

For the 2022 fiscal year, the consolidated financial statements approved today by the Supervisory Board show earnings before taxes (EBT) of € 67 million (previous year: € 23 million) on total output of € 421 million (previous year: € 276 million). This is in line with the Management Board’s most recently communicated expectations for 2022.

The full Group Annual Report for the 2022 fiscal year will be published as planned on May 16, 2023.